Experience of the cultural resistance of indigenous peoples in León, Guanajuato


  • Pamela Ramírez Pacheco
  • Lucía Janeth Cuellar Muñoz Universitaria De La Salle Bajío
  • Luis Ernesto Solano Becerril Universidad de La Salle Bajío




cultural resistence, identity, adaptation, migration


This paper shows the different forms of cultural resistance that some people belonging to original cultures in Mexico and who have migrated to the city of León Guanajuato have. Through qualitative research and the interview technique, we recover the actions they have to preserve particular characteristics of their culture are revealed. In the first place, we will talk about what the resistance of native peoples is, and then, we analyzed the strategies used by indigenous people to preserve everything that identifies them as part of their community, culture and people even when they are outside of it, that is, knowing the way in which they resist so that their culture continues to stay alive wherever they decide to go.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Pacheco, P., Cuellar Muñoz, L. J., & Solano Becerril, L. E. (2022). Experience of the cultural resistance of indigenous peoples in León, Guanajuato. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(5 Especial), 115–137. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.05.2022.06.lc



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