The role played by access to information laws in the country for investigative journalism


  • Dorangélica De la Rocha Almazán la Comisión Estatal para el Acceso a la Información Pública del Estado de Sinaloa (CEAIPES)



research journalism, access to public information, opening culture, consult journalism


In Mexico we are faced with a dilemma of great importance that affects the decision-making process of people, since we live in an information society enclosed in a culture of secrecy. This is reflected in each and every one of our daily activities and causes the process of obtaining information to be hindered by multiple factors. The journalistic profession is not exempt from this context, but finds in the conscious and adequate exercise of the Right of Access to Public Information a great antidote to confront the culture of secrecy and the concealment of information that is reflected like a mirror from the Public Service and that permeates the entire society. That is why information professionals can now exercise their activity based on reliable and accessible data, impregnating their work with a great sense of ethics, responsibility and trust, sections that are a categorical imperative in any contemporary society.


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How to Cite

De la Rocha Almazán, D. (2006). The role played by access to information laws in the country for investigative journalism. Revista Ra Ximhai , 2(3), 559–565.



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