Social representations of traditional mexican medicine in University nursing students


  • Jesús Roberto Garay Núñez Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa



collective imaginary, cultural care, alternative medicine


The new generations of nursing graduates in Mexico. They must acquire competencies for the care and maintenance of human health integrating the best scientific evidence from both the biomedical model and the biopsy chosocial model. Material and Method: The technique of natural semantic networks was used to determine the social representations, its central nucleus and its peripheral system. The value of natural semantic networks resides in that the obtained taxonomies are generated directly from the subject's semantic memory, and the order given is according to their scale of values and perceptions. Results: It was determined that the figurative nucleus of ́ ́Traditional Mexican Medicine ́ ́ falls on the concepts of ́ ́Sábila ́ ́ and ́ ́M anzanilla ́ ́ while social representations of traditional Mexican medicine vs. diseases. It was determined that the figurative nucleus falls on the concepts of ́ ́Diabetes ́ ́, ́ ́Cancer ́ ́, ́ ́Resp iratory infections ́ ́ and ́ ́weight loss ́ ́. Conclusion: Nursing professionals in Mexico and the world must acquire comp etencies for comp rehensive human health care during their university training from a broader and more comprehensive perspective.


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How to Cite

Garay Núñez , J. R. (2020). Social representations of traditional mexican medicine in University nursing students. Revista Ra Ximhai , 16(5 Especial), 71–89.



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