Impact of the density of catmint (Mimosa Monancistra) on the microflora of semi-arid soils in the state of Aguascalientes
C and N of microbial biomass, Catboy, Soil microflora and fertility islandsAbstract
The impact of different densities of a native semi-arid shrub legume known as gatuño (Mimosa monancistra) on the abundance and activity of the microbial flora located under and outside the canopy was determined. This impact was determined by quantifying the carbon content of the microbial biomass, the viable count of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes) and the inorganic nitrogen content (NO - and NH +). The study sites were classified based on the density of cattail plants and grass cover, with site A being the site with the lowest density of cattail (50 plants/ha) and the highest density of grasses (80%), site B being the site with an intermediate density of cattail (250 to 500 plants/ha) and grass cover of approximately 30 to 70%, and site C being the site with the highest density of cattail plants (500 plants/ha) and with sparse herbaceous vegetation (less than 30%). A greater amount of carbon was found within the plant canopy than outside it, and this increase was greater in sites with a higher density of cattail plants (site C). The number of bacteria increased proportionally to the plant density. The abundance of fungi showed an inverse effect to that found in bacteria, since the highest abundance was found in the site with the lowest density of cattail. The highest abundance of actinomycetes was found in the site considered to have intermediate density (site B). The amount of inorganic nitrogen was higher under the plant canopy than outside it. The amount of ammonium was lower than that of nitrates, which indicates the possible occurrence of nitrification processes in these soils.
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