Seed germination and vigor in Pseudotsuga menziesii from Mexico


  • Manuel Mápula Larreta IRENAT Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Javier López Upton IRENAT Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Jesús Vargas Hernández IRENAT Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Adrián Hernández Livera Colegio de Postgraduados



pseudotsuga, seeds, moisture content, imbibition, viability, pregermination treatment, germination


Some parameters were evaluated to determine the seed quality of Mexican populations of Pseudotsuga menziesii. The effect of imbibition in 1% H2O2 and different periods of seed stratification at 0-2°C to promote germination was also evaluated. A wide variation was found in seed viability with values ​​from 2 to 87 % and in the percentage of immature embryos, especially in populations from the center of the country, which is probably due to high levels of self-fertilization, crossing of genetically related individuals, or drying of cones in unfavorable conditions. The embryo occupies more than 90% of the embryonic cavity between 12 and 94 % of the seeds in the evaluated lots. The seed requires an imbibition period of 17 hours with seeds whose humidity percentage is 8.4 %, this last value is the recommended value for storing the seed of this species. Soaking in 1% H2O2 helped to produce batches with good viability, but their values ​​improve if the seed is cold stratified for 31 days. Further research on the stratification period is required.


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How to Cite

Mápula Larreta, M., López Upton, J., Vargas Hernández , J., & Hernández Livera, A. (2008). Seed germination and vigor in Pseudotsuga menziesii from Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(1), 119–134.



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