Spatial models applied to natural resource management: a proposal in the Pilón River sub-basin, Nuevo León, Mexico
geographic information systems, sustainable management of resources, integrated river basin management, river basin land allocationAbstract
The Pilón River sub-basin is home to two physiographic provinces: the Coastal Plain and the Sierra Madre, and for this reason it has topographic and climatic variations that allow the development of twelve types of vegetation (including endemic vegetation). This vegetation captures water, sustains the inhabitants and is home to a variety of fauna. However, the processes related to the growing population and expansion of agriculture are causing its disappearance and fragmentation. During 1974 - 2000 in the Coastal Plain the chaparral lost 86%, the mosquel 73% and the submontane scrub 32%, and in the Sierra Madre, the submontane scrub lost 73%, the oak forest 43% and the fir forest 35%. On the other hand, there is a marked process of fragmentation that mainly affects the fir and pine-oak forests and the submontane scrub. To prevent these processes from affecting water catchment and agricultural production, a strategy was designed for the proper management of the sub-basin's natural resources, reconciling production needs with conservation needs. This strategy identified three main lines of action: conservation of fragments, implementation of conservation tillage and restoration. It also identifies the optimal sites for recommended activities through spatial analysis in a Geographic Information Systems environment using the basin management method.
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Financiado por CONACyT – SIRREYES 2000060006 y beca Conacyt 160864.
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