Morphometric relationships of a contemporary forest in the El Salto region, Durango


  • Juan Abel Nájera Luna Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto (ITES)
  • Enedino Hernández Hernández Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores (ITES)



morphometric, forest management, occupation, El Salto Durango


A study was conducted to determine the morphometric relationships of a Pinus spp. even-aged forest in the El Salto Durango region. To this end, a 1 ha-1 area was delimited in which the normal diameter, crown diameter, total height, height to the first dry branch, crown insertion height and crown length of all the trees found within the plot were measured. The results showed a total of 190 Pinus cooperi trees and 49 P. leiophylla trees with an average diameter of 31 cm, 17 m height, 5.21 m2 of crown cover and a basal area of ​​17.71 m2. It was estimated that the site can sustain an occupation of 454 trees per hectare without risk of competition between trees and not the 239 trees that is the current occupation. The above indicated an underutilization of the site of 48%. The importance of generating information on morphometric aspects that support decision-making in the sustainable forest management of the region's natural resources is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Nájera Luna , J. A., & Hernández Hernández , E. (2008). Morphometric relationships of a contemporary forest in the El Salto region, Durango. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(1), 69–81.



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