Peasant knowledge and strategies in the management of natural resources


  • Andrés Pérez Magaña Colegio de Postgraduados



production system, domestic group, collective social action


This contribution aimed to identify the knowledge and strategies that farmers from a Michoacan community have developed for the management of natural resources for agricultural purposes. It was based on the idea that in the Sierra Purépecha region, popular and agricultural knowledge had been little studied, and that its potential for rural development had been underestimated from the perspective of agricultural sciences. From an agroecological approach, a community of farmers from the State of Michoacán was studied using participant observation techniques, agroecological transects and semi-structured individual interviews. The results show that farmers have developed knowledge that allows them to differentiate and identify environmental units, and the management of production space; this allows them to put into practice different strategies for the management of natural resources, such as: the construction of embankments, living fences, reforestation, the use of manure, crop association, spatial distribution of crops, expansion of diversity and the management of germplasm. Actions that are favored by the collective behavior of the community. These actions reflect a social construction, in which the knowledge of farmers and their ability to respond to adverse socio-environmental factors to ensure their production and reproduction are present.


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How to Cite

Pérez Magaña, A. (2008). Peasant knowledge and strategies in the management of natural resources. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(2), 183–213.



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