Structure and composition of bird communities in natural areas of Pinus caribaea Morelet, of the EFI “minas de matahambre”
bird communities, structure and composition, tropical pinus, natural areasAbstract
The research was carried out between January and April 2007, in a natural pine forest of Pinus tropicalis Morelet (female pine) of 192 ha located in Tibisí, which belongs to lot 15 of the Santa Lucía Silvicultural Unit of the “Minas de Matahambre” Integrated Forestry Company; with the objective of determining the structure and composition of the bird communities associated with natural areas of Pinus tropicalis. For the bird census, the method of counting points with a fixed radius proposed by Wunderle (1994) for counting birds in the Caribbean was used. A total of 37 bird species were detected, distributed in 11 Orders and 18 Families, which were classified according to their abundance and whether they remained within the national territory, the trophic group to which they belong, level of endemism and degree of threat. Ecological indices were determined for each of the strata. The relationship between vegetation parameters and the number of birds detected was determined, as well as the plant species most used by them.
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