Identity as a hyperlink in the organization
organizational culture, social identity and form of aquaculture productionAbstract
The processes of globalization and regionalization, together with the modernization of companies, are shaping a new world order that demands constant changes. The survival of organizations is increasingly related to their representation in the world, in culture, in communication processes, as well as in the individuals who form them. This can be explained by the fact that domestic markets are not as distant as in the past; they are currently immersed in a complex context and are constantly competing with each other and searching for world-class standards. Aquaculture organizations are no strangers to this. Because they have been established in the northern region of Sinaloa for relatively little time, aquaculture companies have been little studied. Therefore, they require more information about their operation, the type of subjects that form them, the social identity of their members, the communication and integration mechanisms that allow them to get to know each other, in addition to being prepared to successfully face the challenges that are presented to them, as well as the benefits they can obtain. The general objective of this research was to analyze the production method of a particular aquaculture farm and how it relates to the social identity of its members. Achieving this involved responding to a series of propositions and addressing theoretical aspects of social identity in the aquaculture production method, through three sections: a) the culture at the organizational, national and regional level; b) the identity in its personal, social and organizational spheres and c) the background of the aquaculture production method of the company. The scientific research process contributed to the discovery of knowledge, by testing the proposed propositions, given the need and interest in solving problems in this area. Therefore, in this case, quantitative and qualitative methods were used for data analysis. Six instruments were designed: structured questionnaire, structured and semi-structured interview, sociogram, projective technique and observation. Sampling was random and stratified, and population data such as age, seniority in the company, place of residence, gender, among other variables, were considered. The first instrument presented characteristics of an attitude scale (Likert) while the design and analysis of the sociogram was based on the work of Jacobo Moreno (cited in Cartwright 1986), and the projective technique following the definition of Reeve (1994). The results are shown in relation to the theoretical propositions on the identity of the organization and its most relevant indicators; the social and organizational identity; the influence of the aquaculture organization on its members; the production method of the company; the relationship between the production method of the company and its organizational culture and the social identity of individuals and the decision-making process of the organization. It was found that shrimp farming requires the participation of social identities specific to the culture of the region, which when grouped together make up the identity of the organization.
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