Theoretical and methodological analysis of human development: its application to the state of Puebla and irrigation systems
irrigation units, small irrigation, human developmentAbstract
This contribution aims to discuss the different approaches to human development and, in particular, to analyze the situation of human development in the state of Puebla and the irrigation systems. Human development is a multidimensional process, which has as its end and means the development of the freedom of the human being to meet his or her capabilities. The approaches made around the concept of human development are in agreement with the search for theoretical and methodological constructions that go beyond the narrow vision of development as economic growth. Among the most important perspectives that address this phenomenon are: the Human Development Index (HDI) proposed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the proposal for Human Scale Development formulated by the Center for Alternative Development (CEPAUR). In relation to the situation of human development in the state of Puebla, the HDI proposed by the UNDP was used, concluding that this state presents levels of human development below the national level, higher than those found in indigenous communities throughout the country, with marked municipal differences. This is the case of the 36 municipalities where more than 50% of the population aged 5 years and older speak one of the three dominant indigenous languages in the state, where this index did not reach that found at the level of indigenous regions on a national scale. Regarding the irrigation systems of Puebla, it was found that they belong to small irrigation works and large irrigation works. A significant portion of irrigators of the small irrigation works (1,125), which are of interest in this study, are organized according to the water legislation, both to receive support and services to improve their infrastructure, as well as to fulfill the purpose of providing irrigation service among the associates, an aspect that offers an important potential to be used to contribute to emphasizing the reduction of the differences found in the HDI of the state.
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