Interculturality and the role of teachers in educational reforms


  • Fidel Molina



sociology of education, cultural diversity, inclusive education


Educational reforms respond to the orientations of the various educational policies that (re)formulate the objectives of education based on new social, economic and cultural needs, and which have been detected through an educational diagnosis of the socio-political reality in which it is framed. One of the fundamental agents in carrying out educational reforms is the teaching staff. For this reason, we have carried out a series of qualitative and quantitative investigations in the last decade, delving into the voice of the teaching staff and the predominant aspect of the proposed changes, which is “attention to diversity” and more specifically, cultural diversity. The research and theoretical reflections have focused on Spain (and as a case study, Catalonia), but have also involved the study of other Ibero-American realities such as the Educational Transformation in Argentina (basically the NOA region) and in relation to the development of Intercultural Education and Bilingual Intercultural Education in countries such as Mexico, Brazil and Guatemala, mainly. From all this, a series of results and orientations emerge that should serve us for reflection and educational action (sociocultural and political). Thus, in some regions what some scientists call "the drama of development" may be occurring with the recent mega-projects of educational transformation that do not prevent - or even facilitate - educational segmentation, with more than one educational system actually coexisting in the same country. We must rethink the integrative model of the school that was born with modernity and is questioned with it. In any case, and as a result of the field work carried out (participant observation, interviews and surveys), we can conclude that among the main lines that can be considered as key elements to consider that a center works in an intercultural and inclusive sense, those related to the involvement of the teaching staff who are supported by families and the administration stand out: good training of tutors, a management team that exercises clear and positive leadership, planning of projects and activities that relate the center with the environment, existence of a shared tutorial action plan followed by the teaching staff and that facilitates interpersonal relationships and helps guide students.


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How to Cite

Molina, F. (2010). Interculturality and the role of teachers in educational reforms. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(1), 131–143.



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