Proteomic characterization of sulfur bean grains (Phamseolus Vulgaris) grown in the state of Sinaloa


  • Magda Karina Camacho Espinoza
  • Luz Isela Peinado Guevara
  • José Ángel López Valenzuela
  • Ángel Valdez Ortiz
  • Rafael Atanasio Salinas Pérez
  • Claudia Graciela Moreno Herrera
  • Sergio Medina Godoy



genetic variation, phaseolin, glycinin, electrophoresis, protein extraction


In Mexico, beans have been the staple grain of the population's diet for many centuries. The distinctive characteristics of bean genotypes may be the result of the protein composition of each one, and proteomics is a tool that includes the characterization of protein expression and their functional and structural properties. This strategy was used to characterize three main bean materials grown in Sinaloa. An extraction method based on TCA/acetone precipitation was optimized, which allowed the two-dimensional analysis of proteins. When comparing the genotypes Azufrado Regional 87, Azufrado Higuera and Noroeste: it was found that there is greater homogeneity between the varieties Az. Higuera and Az. Noroeste, but not between these and the variety Az. Regional. This work can be considered as the first report where proteomics is used to characterize bean grains.


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How to Cite

Camacho Espinoza, M. K., Peinado Guevara, L. I., López Valenzuela, J. Ángel, Valdez Ortiz, Ángel, Salinas Pérez, R. A., Moreno Herrera, C. G., & Medina Godoy, S. (2010). Proteomic characterization of sulfur bean grains (Phamseolus Vulgaris) grown in the state of Sinaloa. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(1), 23–36.



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