Corn-based biofuel production: a welfare analysis in Mexico


  • Salvador González Andrade
  • Alejandro Brugués Rodríguez



foods, prices, market, supply, demand, elasticity


Given the decrease in global supply and the increase in fossil fuel prices, there is a growing trend to generate energy alternatives. The production of raw materials to generate biofuels competes with the production of food, fibers and wood. The production of ethanol from grains such as corn and wheat will impact global food trade. In the United States, the main supplier of yellow corn to Mexico, a fuel blend with ten percent ethanol is expected to be used in 2012 (OECD, 2006). The use of corn, a staple food of the Mexican people, in the generation of ethanol will have redistributive effects on social welfare through the prices and quantities produced and consumed.


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How to Cite

González Andrade, S., & Brugués Rodríguez, A. (2010). Corn-based biofuel production: a welfare analysis in Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(1), 73–85.



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