Water boards: searching for a model for the administration and operation of irrigation systems


  • Benito Rodríguez Haros
  • Héctor Ruiz Rueda




transference, irrigation districts, irrigation units, organization users, self-managing organizations, management of irrigation water


This research highlights the ability of user organizations to successfully manage and operate irrigation systems for considerable periods of time. In the specific case of the Water Boards, the Mexican Government promoted and formed them in the decade from 1920 to 1940, mainly, so that they would receive the National Irrigation Districts that had been built by the National Irrigation Commission (CNI) until then. The delivery of the National Irrigation Districts implied that the Water Boards were responsible for the administration, maintenance and general operation of the irrigation systems. Documentary and empirical evidence suggests that to a large extent the Water Boards were successful, keeping the irrigation systems in operation until today. The success of the Water Boards, however, has not been free of conflicts. Conflicts and limitations that they have been able to address through the development of mechanisms to deal with conflicts achieved over time. The particular experience of each Water Board is therefore an example of the administration and operation of irrigation systems. In the research we are carrying out, we aim to recover and systematize the experience gained by the Water Boards and, based on the analysis of the regularities, develop a Model for the Administration and Operation of Irrigation Systems.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Haros, B., & Ruiz Rueda, H. (2010). Water boards: searching for a model for the administration and operation of irrigation systems. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(2), 295–301. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.06.02.2010.10.br



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