Knowledge and use of cacti by rural families in Coxcatlán, Puebla


  • Alma Delia Castillo Campohermoso
  • Arturo López Espinosa
  • Ignacio Ocampo Fletes



Cactaceae, conservation, exploitation, biodiversity


The arid and semi-arid zones of Mexico are ecosystems with a high diversity of plants, with the potential to be used sustainably. The diversity of cacti has been used mainly for food, medicine and construction, generally at a regional level. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of the arid and semi-arid zones do not have updated information about techniques for the sustainable use and management of these resources, despite the knowledge they have of the various species. In order to analyze the knowledge and use of local cacti by the inhabitants, this research was carried out in the community of Coxcatlán, a place that still has a great diversity of cacti. 61 women were interviewed, selected through simple random sampling, and direct observation to record the knowledge and uses of the species that persist in Coxcatlán. Despite environmental degradation and the loss of species associated with the current environmental crisis, mainly derived from the practices and values ​​of contemporary industrial society (Rozzi, et al., 2001), in Coxcatlán there are a variety of cactus species that are used by the local population as food, ornamentation and medicine. However, it is an extractive activity and there is no adequate management, which leads to their probable extinction.


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How to Cite

Castillo Campohermoso, A. D., López Espinosa, A., & Ocampo Fletes , I. (2010). Knowledge and use of cacti by rural families in Coxcatlán, Puebla. Revista Ra Ximhai , 6(3), 347–353.



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