Estimation of hydraulic conductivity and fine content from experimental laws that relate hydraulic and electrical parameters
hydraulic conductivity, fine content, electric resistivity, formation factor, porosity, electric tomographyAbstract
Hydraulic conductivity is a basic element in the advancement of knowledge of a geological medium, both in the processes of flow and transport of contaminants and in projects for protection, management and handling of the environment, as well as in the development of public policies for the protection of ecosystems, among others. The objective of this work is to obtain the hydraulic conductivity (K) and the content of fines (C) of a saturated granular medium by using two empirical laws. One relates the electrical conductivity of a saturated granular medium σo and the saturating water σw which depends on the formation factor (F), the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the content of fines in the saturated subsoil. Through data obtained from 18 samples of materials from 6 wells, the relationship between F- C and CEC-C and Qv – C was obtained, so that the equation is reduced to a function of σo in terms of σw and C, with an adjustment value R=0.97. A second experimental law used is the one resulting from the experimental relationship between K and C, obtaining
K 0.1804.C 1.4054 with an R=0.96. From both experimental expressions, relationships are constructed and
knowing one, the other is obtained. Under the indicated scheme, sections of electrical conductivity of the saturated medium and fine content are obtained, obtaining that the subsoil in the study area is made up of an upper layer of fine materials and underlying this is a medium in which sand predominates.
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Copyright (c) 2010 Héctor José Peinado Guevara, Carlos René Green Ruíz, Omar Delgado Rodríguez, Jaime Herrera Barrientos, Salvador Belmonte Jiménez, María de los Ángeles Ladrón de Guevara Torres, Vladimir Shevnin

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