Sociocultural factors and control of type 2 diabetes in indigenous adults in Yoreme-Mayo


  • Felix Gerardo Buichia Sombra
  • Guadalupe Adriana Miranda Cota
  • Rosario Edith Ortiz Félix
  • Patricia Enedina Miranda Félix



type 2 diabetes, indigenous population, glucemic control, cultural factors, adults


In the world, the burden of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) falls on socially “disadvantaged” groups, among these groups are indigenous peoples. T2D is currently a serious public health problem due to its high mortality and catastrophic costs for its control and treatment. Objective: To determine the relationship between sociocultural factors (Fatalism, Religiosity and Diabetes Beliefs) and the control of type 2 diabetes in indigenous Yoreme-Mayo adults. Material and Method: A descriptive, correlational cross-sectional design study in 180 indigenous adults with Type 2 Diabetes who lived in rural areas and who attended four Dispersed Rural Health Centers in the municipality of El Fuerte, Sinaloa. The sample was non-probabilistic incidental. To measure the Sociocultural variables, a sociodemographic data card was used, the Multidimensional Scale of Fatalism, Spiritual Well-being and Beliefs of Patients with Diabetes, T2D Control was determined from HbA1c. Results and Conclusions: 70.5% of the participants were women with 56.8 ± 8.4 years, 73.9% of the participants reported being the son of a mother and father Yoreme-Mayo, 66.4% and 75.5% reported speaking and understanding Yorem-nokki. 37.2% showed HbA1c levels <7%. The scores of the Diabetes Patient Belief Scale (rs= -.10, p <.05) and the subscale of diabetes beliefs in Social Support for Diet (rs= -.18, p <.05) were related negatively with the HbAlc figure. Occupation (χ2 = 11.28, p = .01), speaking (χ2 = 8.07, p = .004), and understanding (χ2 = 8.07, p = .004) yorem-nokki showed significant differences with the control of the disease. The longer the patient has lived at home, the better control of his disease, speaking and understanding the native Yorem-nokki language represents a barrier to control of the disease, since those patients with the ability to communicate through it had worse disease control. The greater Belief in Diabetes control and greater Social Support for Food are factors that improve the control of the disease; therefore, it is important to include the family in the control and follow-up plan of the Yoreme-Mayo patient.


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How to Cite

Buichia Sombra , F. G., Miranda Cota, G. A., Ortiz Félix, R. E., & Miranda Félix, P. E. (2021). Sociocultural factors and control of type 2 diabetes in indigenous adults in Yoreme-Mayo. Revista Ra Ximhai , 17(2), 195–219.



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