Participatory diagnosis of the use, demand and supply of firewood in a Zoque community in central Chiapas, Mexico


  • María Consuelo Escobar Ocampo Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Vivienda
  • José Ángel Niños Cruz Consultor forestal independiente
  • Neptalí Ramírez Marcial El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
  • Cristina Yépez Pacheco UICN Mesoamérica



forest explotation, dendroenergy plantations, forest development, firewood


The study was carried out in Ocuilapa de Juárez, as an initiative of a group of Zoque ejidatarios, members of the Benito Juárez de R.L. Ejidal Transport Cooperative Society, with the aim of managing a project for the production of firewood, which would allow meeting local and municipal demand. To do so, they agreed to establish dendroenergy forest plantations, within a management plan that would allow their use in the short term. The project was designed in three stages: Stage I (diagnosis), II (implementation) and III (evaluation). The results presented here constitute only the first stage. The qualitative and quantitative data for the characterization of the processes of production, demand and supply of firewood at the local level was obtained through various conventional participatory tools. The systems that most frequently contribute to the collection of firewood were the coffee plantation (76%); the acahual and primary forest (55%); and the pasture (40%). A total of 101 species used locally as firewood were recorded, classified into 80 genera and 38 botanical families; of these species, 95 were prioritized based on firewood quality criteria and 54 were referred to in the surveys, so the frequencies of preferred use were recorded. All the families interviewed use firewood (100%) and only 37% of them use gas. Domestic firewood consumption was 23.85 kg·day-1·family-1 in dry weight, which is quite high compared to the state average. In 96% of the cases studied, they use the traditional open stove that has an efficiency between 5 and 17%, so it is necessary to adopt more efficient technologies for use, such as wood-saving stoves. It is essential to regulate the sale of firewood in order to organize forest use for obtaining and marketing this resource. Given the current deficit in local and regional demand for firewood, the establishment of dendroenergy forest plantations is expected to help meet this deficit.


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How to Cite

Escobar Ocampo, M. C., Niños Cruz, J. Ángel, Ramírez Marcial, N., & Yépez Pacheco, C. (2009). Participatory diagnosis of the use, demand and supply of firewood in a Zoque community in central Chiapas, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(2), 201–223.



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