Research as a process of social intervention


  • María del Carmen Peña Cuanda Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (UNICH)
  • Luis Fernando Bolaños Gordillo Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas (UNICH)



Community Engagement, social intervention, interdisciplinarity


One of the goals of the Intercultural University of Chiapas is the consolidation of its academic programs and for this purpose it is necessary to reflect on the methodological training of its students, and establish various strategies for their connection with sectors where they can develop their research. The degree in Intercultural Communication has within its curricular structure the axis Methodology for Community Engagement, in which the student is motivated to delimit their objects of study, and approach them theoretically and methodologically with interdisciplinary approaches. Throughout four years of existence of this degree, challenges have been faced such as traditionalist methodological positions or theoretical approaches, which are attempted to be reversed with contributions from qualitative paradigms and strengthening the figure of the student as a researcher.


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How to Cite

Peña Cuanda, M. del C., & Bolaños Gordillo , L. F. (2009). Research as a process of social intervention. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(2), 181–186.



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