Recovery of a mineralized soil due to the effect of severe cuts in its profile, the result of leveling
soil recuperation, chicken manure, effect on groundAbstract
This research was carried out in the community of Charay, El Fuerte, Sinaloa, on a 100 ha plot with different slopes. Once the land was leveled, chicken manure was applied at doses ranging from 7 to 10 tons per year Ha-1, until the corn crop sown year after year showed normal development and optimal production. Three different implements were used to distribute the product; granulated fertilizer distributors, a fertilizer spreader and a dry manure spreader. The application was during the fallow season of the crop lands, in July of each of the 4 years that the test lasted. They were carried out on a flat surface to later subsoil the soil to decompact it and with the help of the rains incorporate the material. The best results were obtained in both cuts after 4 years. As shown in the survey of land levels, there was a very broken relief. The volumes of soil that had to be removed in both cuts and fills were calculated. It was known in advance that the severe cuts in this work would reach 80 cm, leaving the arable layer completely mineralized, since profile A would be completely removed, consequently reaching the interior of profile B, where there is practically no amount of organic matter, both in the process of decomposition, and in humus, for the recovery of this, applications were made with different doses of chicken manure, with which a uniform terrain will be had, with 2 gentle slopes and with an acceptable percentage for rolling irrigation, raising both its productivity and its added value. The present research aims to raise the quality of the land by improving its relief, among other characteristics of the same, in addition to reducing operating costs.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Celso Armenta López, Pascual Vázquez Peñate, Jaime Alberto Félix Herrán , Alejandro Vega Manzanares
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