Contribution to the diagnosis and control of bark beetles of the genus Ips (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in the pine forests of Cuba
P. tropicalis, Ips calligraphus, I. grandicollis, treatment threshold, Pinus caribaeaAbstract
Four pine species are endemic to Cuba and are of great importance, from the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources at a regional level to the mitigation of climate change. Their economic importance is due to the fact that they form pure stands of fast growth and straight trunks. The bark beetles of the Ips De Geer genus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) together with the associated fungi of the Ophiostomatoid complex (Ceratocystidaceae: Microascales Phylum Ascomycotina) are the ones that cause the greatest damage in pine plantations in Cuba. The management of this damage was based mainly on the felling of all infested trees and the application of organosynthetic insecticides with the consequent effects on the environment apart from economic losses. In this work, through the development of experiments with random pine log design and systematic sampling in pine trees, the most harmful Ips species and the most vulnerable pine species in the western region were determined. In addition, a damage threshold index and sufficiently effective treatments with biological products were defined in the central region. These results were integrated and introduced as a methodology for managing bark beetles in an area of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea plantations (Punta Felipe, Villa Clara, Cuba) after the development of an epidemic outbreak of this harmful complex and it was demonstrated that it was possible to control this pest without felling all the affected trees or applying organosynthetic insecticides. Therefore, this work has a positive environmental impact, contributing to the healthy conservation of pine forests and an economic impact due to the savings in foreign currency due to the insecticides not being applied and also by reducing losses from wood growth.
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Copyright (c) 2009 René Alberto López Castilla, Fidel Góngora Rojas, Celia Guerra Rivero, Enrique de Zayas Izaguirre, Antonio Fernández Vera , Natividad Triguero Isasi
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