Impact assessment and adaptation strategy for the Baracoa integrated forestry company, Guantánamo province, Cuba
climate change, impacts, temperature, biodiversity, adaptationAbstract
Using the PRECIS climate modelling system with emission scenarios A2 and B1, altitudes at 0 and 850 m above sea level, the years 2011, 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2029, and the variables average temperature, minimum temperature and rainfall, 60 climate scenarios were generated for the region between 20 - 21o N and 74 - 75o W, an area where the Baracoa Integral Forestry Company is located, in the Guantánamo province. From the scenarios obtained, the spatio-temporal variations of the climate variables considered were characterized, assessing their possible effects on the main forest tree species reported in the Company's area, identifying extinction risks for 23 endemic species exclusive to the Mountain Rainforest formation, of which two are protected by the Forestry Law. Taking into account the risks faced by these taxa, an adaptation strategy based on the ex situ conservation of their genetic resources was designed, specifying the aspects that will need to be addressed for its implementation.
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