The anthropic impact on the natural forests of the western transition zone of the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve and surrounding areas, Cuba.
Anthropology, DeforestaciónAbstract
Research carried out on the effects caused by human activity on forests has shown that these plants are heavily depredated regardless of the number or species to be used. For this reason, the deforestation rate of the forest flora in the Western Transition Zone of the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve in Cuba was studied due to the aforementioned incidence, taking as a reference point the community of Soroa, which has borders to the North with the Municipality of Bahía Honda, to the South with the Community of Candito Fría, to the East with the Municipality of San Cristóbal and to the West with the Sierra del Rosario Biosphere Reserve. The results come from the sampling of 20 plots, located randomly in natural forests in the study area at different distances. The taxonomic composition of the species existing in the study areas and their proportion by family were determined, as well as the proportion of trees and shrubs existing in the research areas, taking the variables diameter and height as reference, reaching the conclusion from the statistical analysis used that there is a high predation of plants due to the incidence of anthropic activity.
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