Obtaining mathematical models for the preparation of tables of wood volume in bolus for four species of broadleaf trees from the Zapata swamp


  • Pedro Pablo Henry Torriente Instituto de investigaciones forestales
  • Juan M. García Delgado Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Osvaldo A. Fosado Téllez Universidad de Pinar del Río
  • Abelardo Domínguez Goizueta Empresa Forestal Integral Macurije




tables, cubication, volume, Broadleaf Species


In Cuba, the use of inaccurate and foreign volume tables continues to prevail in the measurements of the wood species that grow in the country. In this work, the results of the integration in one equation and therefore in a single volume table of four regression equations obtained from the same number of independent species are expressed: Lysiloma latisiliquum Benth. (soplillo), Bursera simaruba Sargent. (almácigo), Calophyllum antillanun Britton. (ocuje) and Bucida palustris Borhidi. (júcaro de Ciénaga); with the objective of perfecting the volume measurement of the wood in the Zapata Swamp and giving greater practical utility to the results obtained. The method of analysis of covariances proposed by Sigarroa (1985) is used. The equations obtained from the set of species presented adjustment statistics that make them comparable with the individual species. Likewise, their biases behaved with and without bark less than 3%, being also lower than those reported by the tables used in production that exceeded 10%. Finally, a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis analysis was made to compare the equations of the set of species, that of the species and the real value obtained with the independent data of the same, not finding statistically significant differences between each of them. The proposed equation allows, through the increase in the accuracy in the cubication, to quantify volumes of wood in bales that previously, due to lack of accuracy of the previous methods, were not included in the calculations of the wood in bales that was assimilated by the industry and that reach the figure of 1180 m3, which represents an additional gain for the production units of 57 029 pesos, also improving the economic and labor conditions of the forestry worker.


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How to Cite

Henry Torriente , P. P., García Delgado , J. M., Fosado Téllez , O. A., & Domínguez Goizueta , A. (2009). Obtaining mathematical models for the preparation of tables of wood volume in bolus for four species of broadleaf trees from the Zapata swamp. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(3), 297–306. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.05.03.2009.04.ph



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