Pregermination treatments on ironwood seeds (Olneya tesota A. Gray) and propagation in compost substrate of water lily (Eichhornia crassipes)


  • Rosario Raudel Sañudo Torres Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Pascual Vázquez Peñate Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Celso Armenta López Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Hilda Susana Azpiroz Rivero Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Cecilia Campos Beltrán Ingeniería Avanzada en Sistemas de Riego
  • María Guadalupe Ibarra Ceceña Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Jaime Alberto Félix Herrán Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



Imbibition, scarification, seed dormancy


The effect of seven different pregermination treatments on the germination percentage of ironwood (Olneya tesota) seeds at 20 days was evaluated; T1) control, T2) 1 h imbibition in water, T3) 2 h imbibition in water, T4) 30 min imbibition in water, T5) 10 min in 40% H2SO4, T6) 10 min in 20% H2SO4, T7) scarification with sandpaper, T8) 1 h in cold. Statistically, scarification with sandpaper was the best treatment since it accelerated the germination speed and increased the germination percentage (70.3%) at 8 days after sowing, followed by T4 and T5 (7.8%); while T6 behaved the same as the control (6.25%). A 1:1 mixture (soil: water lily-based compost) was used as the substrate, the compost was made from water lily and cattle manure in a 3:1 ratio.


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pp. 37-38.



How to Cite

Sañudo Torres, R. R., Vázquez Peñate, P., Armenta López , C., Azpiroz Rivero, H. S., Campos Beltrán, C., Ibarra Ceceña, M. G., & Félix Herrán, J. A. (2009). Pregermination treatments on ironwood seeds (Olneya tesota A. Gray) and propagation in compost substrate of water lily (Eichhornia crassipes). Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(3), 329–333.



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