University-business links and their contribution to regional development


  • Aida Alvarado Borrego Universidad de Occidente



university, engagement, enterprise


The objective of this article is to present the analysis and reflection on the essential nature of promoting the relationship between University and Business, promoting a closer relationship between them, so that their reciprocity contributes to strengthening regional development, having a measurable impact on society, its job creation processes, and the transfer of knowledge, in such a way that it boosts the competitiveness of higher education institutions and businesses. This article was conducted through a multiple case study at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and the University of the West, both in the state of Sinaloa, using a qualitative explanatory analysis of the relationship between the university and the productive sector and its contribution to regional development.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Borrego, A. (2009). University-business links and their contribution to regional development. Revista Ra Ximhai , 5(3), 407–414.



Artículos científicos