Trends in global climate change and associated extreme events


  • José Antonio Santiago Lastra Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas
  • Miriam López Carmona Área de Formación Académica y Capacitación
  • Sergio López Mendoza Universidad Autónoma de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas



global warming, mitigation alternatives, adoption mediums


A broad scientific consensus has been reached that human activities directly or indirectly alter the composition of the atmosphere, which combined with natural climate variability, has caused the global climate to change significantly in this regard. The increase in the concentration of winter gases is the one that causes regional and global changes in temperature, precipitation and other climatic variables, which leads to global changes in soil humidity, melting of glaciers, increases in the level of sea ​​and the most frequent and severe occurrence of extreme events such as hurricanes, cold fronts, floods and droughts. Therefore, in the face of global climate change, humanity has two great challenges: reversing negative trends through mitigation and reducing vulnerability to extreme events associated with adaptation and prevention in the face of environmental contingencies.


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How to Cite

Santiago Lastra , J. A., López Carmona , M., & López Mendoza , S. (2008). Trends in global climate change and associated extreme events. Revista Ra Ximhai , 4(3), 625–633.



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