Evil, witchcraft and loss of will related to suicide among the Mayans of Yucatan


  • Mundo Alberto Ramírez Camacho Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




evil, sata ool, suicide, guardians


This article aims to observe the importance that exists for the people of two communities in the eastern region of Yucatan, Cuncunul and Chemax, the concept of evil, as well as one of its causes and consequences, witchcraft and loss of will in Yucatecan individuals, through the information contained in the notes of the field diary. The analysis of this outline is based on an uncertainty that originated in the ethnographic work, which focused on knowing what people meant when they spoke of evil related to suicide; I believe that observing and stopping to reflect on this concept will allow us to better understand the social relationships and reality that surround daily life in the communities of eastern Yucatan regarding suicide by hanging.


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Recursos electrónicos

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How to Cite

Ramírez Camacho, M. A. (2017). Evil, witchcraft and loss of will related to suicide among the Mayans of Yucatan. Revista Ra Ximhai , 13(1), 35–48. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.13.01.2017.03.mr



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