The long shadow of the Inquisition: witchcraft, gender violence and press reports in 19th and 20th century Spain


  • José Manuel Pedrosa la Universidad de Alcalá



witchcraft, inquisition, journalism, lynching, gender violence


In the 20th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, the Spanish press published reports of violence and lynchings against alleged witches in towns and cities in Spain. This article brings together and analyses several of these reports. It argues that the root of this violence against old and poor women is related to misogyny and the repression against witchcraft that the Inquisition had imposed in previous centuries.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa , J. M. (2016). The long shadow of the Inquisition: witchcraft, gender violence and press reports in 19th and 20th century Spain. Revista Ra Ximhai , 13(1), 49–66.



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