Practical model of a strategic marketing plan for micro and small processing companies in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco


  • Edith Ariadna Lozano González Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez
  • Gerardo Alonso Torres Avalos Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez



marketing environment, sheet, marketing mix


A plan is designed to increase the capacity for reaction and leads the manager to a more exhaustive knowledge of the company's own reality. The strategic marketing plan has as its fundamental purpose to clearly and systematically express the variables chosen by the company, said variants must be translated into decisions and action programs.

The model that was designed is a pragmatic, simple and adaptable model for micro and small transformation companies that begin in strategic marketing planning, with the purpose of accustoming them to planning and increasing the capacity for reaction that favors the commercial life of the same.

Said model is made, based on a documentary research that collects and analyzes the different processes of strategic marketing planning, from different authors, for which a methodology was developed for the micro and small entrepreneur.

The model is a sheet that describes the points on which a micro and small transformation company identifies areas of opportunity based on the feedback of the information generated by the internal and external microenvironment and the macroenvironment.

The way of describing the sheet is a design inspired by the CANVAS business model that covers six areas that reflect the logic of a strategic planning process based on the marketing mix.


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1 Edith Ariadna Lozano-González y Gerardo Alonso Torres-Avalos · Modelo práctico de plan estratégico de mercadotecnia para micro y pequeñas empresas de transformación en lagos de Moreno, Jalisco



How to Cite

Lozano González, E. A., & Torres Avalos, G. A. (2017). Practical model of a strategic marketing plan for micro and small processing companies in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco. Revista Ra Ximhai , 13(3 Especial), 405–416.



Artículos científicos