The participation of the yoreme mayo woman in the artisanal process. A look at female work in the family environment of the indigenous artisan


  • Adria Vega-Castro Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México
  • Aida Alvarado-Borrego Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México



crafts, women, double presence


This article seeks to recognize female artisanal work, making evident the double participation of women within the family of the artisan of the indigenous community. Show the position that the artisan has within his social environment and the recognition earned for his artisan work. The methodology is qualitative, with directed interviews, surveys on the sales dynamics, questionnaires to the people who carry out the artisan work in the community of San Miguel, Zapotitlán, Sinaloa; as well as the observation of the manufacturing activity. Some women of indigenous origin were heard, confirming the assumption raised: the double presence of women in the domestic sphere and in artisanal work. Yoreme Mayo crafts are divided into two categories: ceremonial use and domestic use. The elaboration of crafts for ceremonial use is carried out mostly by man, due to the process where physical strength is required to transform the raw material from the flora and fauna of the region. Some findings are observed within the family workshops where women (wife, daughter, sister, mother) make clothing, paint, embroider, decorate and assemble the pieces, without ceasing to attend to domestic and family care tasks, finding the time to support men to increase production and therefore the family economy. Work, which is seen by the community and little recognized by those who buy the product, with the man being the one who takes all the prestige.


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How to Cite

Vega-Castro, A., & Alvarado-Borrego, A. (2024). The participation of the yoreme mayo woman in the artisanal process. A look at female work in the family environment of the indigenous artisan. Revista Ra Ximhai , 20(4 Especial), 127–143.



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