The recovery and conservation of the landscape: preserving biodiversity, through a model of tourism socio-eco-gestation actions


  • Fernando Mohedano-López Instituto Politécnico Nacional



recovery and conservation of the landscape, ecosystems, model of tourism socio-eco-management actions


Acts such as the loss of habitats, introduction of invasive species, overexploitation of resources, pollution and climate change, are some of the elements that due to human activities have caused social, economic, environmental, and political imbalances. This research used the Model of Socio-Eco-Management Actions in Tourism in the control of pollution by water lily Eichhornia crassipes from the Tecocomulco Lagoon in the State of Hidalgo, controlling aquatic weeds by 40%, another example was the assisted reproduction of the Mazunte crab or blue crab (Cardisoma crassum) in the Magical Town of Mazunte, Oaxaca, Mexico, where work began with the authorization and participation of the community, and in Bahía de Ohuira, Ahome, Sinaloa in the recovery and conservation of the natural environment of the Bay, resulting in concrete proposals for sustainably regenerative activities to be carried out in the Bay with visitors and tourists, which provide important health benefits, economy, and natural environment of Mexican society and the planet in general. The Tourism Socio-Eco-Management Action Model (MASET) made it possible to recover and conserve sustainable regenerative to reduce the accelerated environmental changes. The three case studies applied MASET that go beyond traditional landscape recovery and conservation approaches, engaging tourists, accelerating landscape recovery results, and actively and accelerating cooperation with the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keywords: Recovery and Conservation of the Landscape, Ecosystems, Model of Tourism Socio-eco-management Actions.


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How to Cite

Mohedano-López , F. (2024). The recovery and conservation of the landscape: preserving biodiversity, through a model of tourism socio-eco-gestation actions. Revista Ra Ximhai , 20(4 Especial), 187–206.



Artículos científicos