Academic experiences and sense of identity in indigenous students in primary, secondary and higher education


  • Ana Claudia Flores De la Cruz
  • Ana Arán Sánchez
  • Jazmín Ivette Burrola Herrera



indigenous education, upper secondary education, higher education, cultural identity, academic experiences


Indigenous groups have been historically, economically, socially and educationally marginalized; a phenomenon whose reperfusions still echo in present times. The efforts that have been undertaken in different areas through public policies and educational reforms have not reached the necessary scope, showing an unavoidable need to generate a real and permanent change. In this respect, first person testimonies of those involved to achieve a favorable evolution in this regard. This study uses the phenomenological method to analyze the academic experiences of 36 indigenous students of elementary, highschool or university level, of regular schools as well as indigenous ones, who live in the states of Durango and Chihuahua. It also examines their sense of identity related to their customs and traditions. The inclusion criteria that was considered for the participants was that they had to belong to an indigenous group. This research positions itself in the interpretative framework and qualitative approach, using the in depth interview and questionnaire as techniques. The obtained information was analyzed and classified in the following categories, according to the purpose of the research: customs and traditions, sense of belonging, classroom experiences and relationship with non-indigenous classmates. The results of this paper show the strong sense of belonging of the students toward their communities of origin, |but they admit that the migration to the city and discriminatory experiences have led them to stop using their native language and traditional attires. In regards to the academic aspect, they share positive experiences related to the coexistence with their classmates and their professors’ teaching approach, nevertheless, they express a sense of deficiency towards their Spanish use, and even to have endured marginalization in team work because of it. The paper concludes on the importance of guaranteeing the right to use and preserve the native language and particular cultural manifestations, as well as providing a truly intercultural educational model.


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How to Cite

Flores De la Cruz, A. C., Arán Sánchez, A., & Burrola Herrera, J. I. (2022). Academic experiences and sense of identity in indigenous students in primary, secondary and higher education. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 43–61.



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