Assessment of academic stress and adaptation in graduate students at UPNECH


  • Erika Alejandra De la Rosa Robles
  • Vera Lucía Ríos Cepeda
  • María Manuela Valles Ornelas



capacity for adaptation, academic stress, graduate students, stressers, symptoms


This study aims to determine the level of the adaptive capacity and degree of academic stress, as well as the stressors that are mostly present in graduate students of the National Pedagogical University of the State of Chihuahua, it aims to identify the relationship between both variables. The questionnaire was used for the collection of information, the adaptation instrument obtained an alpha of 0.915 and the academic stress instrument an alpha of 0.829. The results indicate that graduate students have a high level of adaptive capacity and a severe level of academic stress, the most present stressor was task overload, while the main symptoms were permanent tiredness, anxiety and concentration problems. Necessary elements were available to determine that there is an association with a poor concordance strength between both variables, inverse proportional, that is: the higher the adaptive capacity, the lower the academic stress, with a predictive value of 1.6% of the population and a significance value of 0.04. Among the most important implications are that students are able to adapt, accept changes and show resilience towards them, however, they cannot master academic stress and its effects, which indicates the existence of negative consequences for their lives


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How to Cite

De la Rosa Robles, E. A., Ríos Cepeda, V. L., & Valles Ornelas, M. M. (2022). Assessment of academic stress and adaptation in graduate students at UPNECH. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 63–82.



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