Teachers' perceptions of socio-emotional education in the care of students with ADHD at the primary level in the state of Aguascalientes
perception, teacher, socioemotional education, ADHDAbstract
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) becomes more prevalent in boys and girls in Basic Education. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there is a prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of five percent, and in the case of Mexico, without having a precise figure, it is estimated that it affects one and a half million boys and girls under the age of 14. (UNAM, 2020, para. 1).
ADHD has a growing population of children; students with ADHD have difficulties expressing their emotions and acting in a self-regulated manner in daily interactions with their peers, teachers and with their family, some actions undertaken at school or family complicate the behavior of boys and girls (NN) , excluding them from activities, labeling them as problem students and suffering the rejection of their own peers, causing childhood depression and discouragement from attending school, the above harms their socio-emotional education "these children are frequently classified as rude, making the child responsible and /or their relatives of their behavior as something voluntary and perfectly avoidable” (De Burgos, sf para.3). The perceptions of NN with ADHD are often not the most favorable to contribute to a Socioemotional Education that helps them exercise their right to education in harmony, respect for integrity and, above all, enjoy the moments significant learning that favors you to comply with the principles of the New Mexican School (NEM).
The president of the article shares the perceptions that teachers have in the area of Socioemotional Education, with a proposal that aims to link attention to students with ADHD and meaningful learning as a pedagogical approach to the current curriculum. Returning to Socioemotional Education as a core area for all children, in particular for students with ADHD.
The study shown below is a qualitative research framed under the phenomenological paradigm, it wants to understand social phenomena from the actor's own perspective. It examines the way the world is experienced. The reality that matters is what people perceive as important. (Taylor and Bogdan, 1987)
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