Scale to measure the significance of complex thinking in virtual learning environments of higher education institutions


  • Víctor del Carmen Avendaño Porras Universidad de Boyacá
  • Claudia Inés Bohórquez Olaya Universidad de Boyacá
  • Paola Andrea Lara Buitagro Universidad de Boyacá



pensamiento complejo, complejidad, entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, educación superior, tecnología educativa


The concept of complex thought in Higher Education Institutions has been little addressed and understood, since it is still in the intellectual imagination of educational actors that it is a theoretical construct with which problems of formal sciences can be solved, more not of the factual ones; If we add to this that during the Covid-19 pandemic Virtual Learning Environments had to be used with much greater intensity, the challenge of perceiving the concept and merging it with ICTs for the construction of meta-complex virtual environments turns out to be a challenge. The main objective of this document was to develop an instrument to measure the significance of complex thinking in Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions; For this purpose, the instrumental methodology of Hernández (2011) was used, applying the validation of experts, using the focus group method, where a value of .77 was obtained, which is considered a good degree of validity. Reliability was also analyzed using Cronbach's Alpha, which showed a value of .780, which is why it is considered adequate. The questionnaire is made up of 63 items, 57 of which are integrated using a 4-level Likert scale; Therefore, it is considered to be a valid and reliable instrument. The instrument proposes to know precisely the relationship that exists between the concept of complex thought and virtuality and how these are merged by educational actors.


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How to Cite

Avendaño Porras, V. del C., Bohórquez Olaya, C. I., & Lara Buitagro, P. A. (2022). Scale to measure the significance of complex thinking in virtual learning environments of higher education institutions. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 179–192.



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