Experiences of the Benjamin Francis Johnston Botanical Garden in the sustainable management of Rothschildia cincta cincta


  • Judith Selene León Verdugo
  • Gustavo Castañeda de los Santos




Rothschildia cincta cincta, zoo breeding farm, conservation, tenábari, bioculturality


In the state of Sinaloa, México, butterfly four mirrors (Rothschildia cincta cincta) has a wide distribuition adjoining with Nayarit on the south and with Sonora on the north side, in which región manifests an ingrain with ethnicity Yoreme-Mayo since they use the cocoons produced by the butterfly for the elaboration of tenábaris as part of their costume, that gives them identity and belonging. However, in the last years it has been observe dan increase on the vulnerability of the specie due to anthropogenic pressure which incise with the land-use change, the excessive extraction of cocoons, coupled with the natural changes that are exerted in these ecosystems. For those reasons, it is important to perform strategies that promote its conservacy as well as the prevalescency of the biocultural richness on the region.
The present work exposes the experiences of Botanical Garden Benjamín Francis Johnston in the study of Rothschildia cincta cincta in wildlife, as well as its behaviour in captivity. During seven uninterrupted years, we have been stablished a methodology for the reproduction ex situ in this botanical garden and it has been documented the wildlife population status in a few areas in Ahome, Sinaloa; moreover, we have replicated his reproduction in indigenous communities and the documented information has been divulgated to society.
The contribuition of scientific information must have an impact with the public politics such as NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, which permit the implement strategies of sustainable management of vulnerable species and value this sites as a priority areas for the conservacy of biocultural richness.


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How to Cite

León Verdugo, J. S., & Castañeda de los Santos, G. (2022). Experiences of the Benjamin Francis Johnston Botanical Garden in the sustainable management of Rothschildia cincta cincta. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(1), 209–234. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.01.2022.11.js



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