History of the exercise of the right to education of the students of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico


  • Erasmo Miranda Bojórquez Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México




inequality, knowledge, commitment, life formation


Since the beginning of his life, man struggles to survive, to learn from everything around him to integrate it into his environment. Learning has no end, education permeates all stages of human development, however, he cannot do it alone, he has to seek out the individuals around him, both from his family and social context. Formal education is a human aspiration, governed and protected by agreements and conventions of global and local scope, which has become a right to education. A research was developed in two phases: first, a bibliographic documentary research to recover text related to the right to education and in a second phase, an online questionnaire was applied to higher education students of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico (UAIM) to learn about the student's experiences of what he has lived in each of the stages of his school life (primary, secondary, high school and university), his motivations for studying at the UAIM and his point of view on the right to education. Later, through interpretive research, the explanation of the findings obtained was contrasted with the reviewed documentation. Referring specifically to the right to education in the Mexican historical context, we have found various topics of intervention such as: the legal framework that supports this right, educational inequalities at the levels of basic education, upper secondary education and higher education; indigenous education; educational inequality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; unofficial basic education; and higher education at the UAIM. The indicators of the right to education made it possible to find out the compliance and commitment of the UAIM. In education in general, segregating realities continue to be seen; and the confinement mechanisms due to COVID-19 cause new forms of inequality to emerge.


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How to Cite

Miranda Bojórquez, E. (2022). History of the exercise of the right to education of the students of the Autonomous Indigenous University of Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(2), 81–102. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.02.2022.04.em



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