Analysis of poverty in Mexico and its impact on child labor in Chihuahua


  • Claudia Sáenz Vota Facultad de Economía Internacional
  • Marco Antonio Quiñonez Reyna Instituto Tecnológico de Parral
  • Angie Cortés Ortiz Instituto Tecnológico de Parral
  • Gloria Ivonne Chávez Torres Instituto Tecnológico de Parral



poverty, child labor, working conditions


In Mexico it is very common to talk about poverty, it is a topic that has been assigned different definitions, from the standard of living, inequality, economic position, to the deprivation of basic security, the absence of titles and exclusion. It is not only governed by the goods and services that are acquired by the people called poor but it is also necessary to know some characteristics such as current per capita income, educational lag in the home, access to health services among others. In the specific topic of the state of Chihuahua, as a result of poverty, there is a significant number of children or minors working, which causes a negative impact both at a national level (costs) and personal level, because the human rights of these minors are considerably violated who are abused or exploited, as a result of entering a job informally due to the legal conditions that govern in the country.


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How to Cite

Sáenz Vota, C., Quiñonez Reyna, M. A., Cortés Ortiz, A., & Chávez Torres, G. I. (2019). Analysis of poverty in Mexico and its impact on child labor in Chihuahua. Revista Ra Ximhai , 15(1), 15–24.



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