State of sustainable innovation in hotel companies in El Fuerte, Sinaloa


  • José Guadalupe Soto Karass Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
  • Juan Pedro Ibarra Michel
  • Zenaida Zulema Delgado Peraza



innovación, sustentabilidad, hoteles


This case study focuses on the Magic Town of El Fuerte, a place where it has long been promoted as a place with a sui generis cultural and natural wealth, and where there are also a considerable number of businesses focused on tourism, including, of course, establishments. hoteliers who have an orientation towards the conservation of the cultural and architectural heritage of the place. Thus, the main objective of the research is the analysis of sustainable innovation as a competitive strategy for the hotel establishments of El Fuerte. For this, a mixed QUAN-QUAL methodology was implemented that would allow a broader description of the phenomenon and whose results reflect an incipient culture towards the implementation of strategies for sustainability, especially in the environmental aspect.


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How to Cite

Soto Karass, J. G., Ibarra Michel, J. P., & Delgado Peraza, Z. Z. (2022). State of sustainable innovation in hotel companies in El Fuerte, Sinaloa. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(3 Especial), 125–144.



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