Urban green as a formative element in cities - urban development by the use of "green urban labs" using the example of Bochum-Riemke


  • Lena Dehof
  • Karina Pallagst
  • Patricia Hammer




Against the background of continuing urban growth, cities are constantly faced with new challenges. Above all, a strong increase in the number of residents must secure the supply of living space. In addition, the attractiveness of a city depends not only on the available living space and its price, but also on the quality of life in the city. The term quality of life usually refers to factors that can have a positive effect on a person's well-being. Quality of life is characterized by aspects such as educational opportunities, health and nature.

As a result, nature is an important criterion in the quality of life and also shapes the appearance of the city. Parks, playgrounds or street trees are just a few of the forms that can be found in cities. In addition, the city green takes over many different functions. These range from economic and urban features to social and ecological purposes. Especially the ecological aspect is becoming more and more important in the course of climatic changes. In this context, a sustainable urban development should be striven for in order to secure urban green spaces, such as the "Leipzig Charter for a Sustainable European City".

The challenges for municipalities in dealing with urban green spaces are manifold. The reason for this is the different usage requirements that affect the urban green space through different user groups. In addition to the changed demands, the financial resources available also play an important role. At present, it is difficult to reconcile the different demands placed on an area with the financial resources available.

Therefore, this paper examines a new approach to Green Urban Labs in relation to the development and safeguarding of urban greens. In this respect, literature searches are used to shed light on the foundations, goals and problems of urban green. In a further part, the model project "Green Urban Labs" will be examined. In addition to further literature research and expert interviews, the case study "From Hausacker to Urban Green" in the district Riemke of the city Bochum will be used to shed light on the goals and implementation measures of the project.

Recommendations for action are derived from the findings. On the one hand, the recommendations should support the consolidation of the model project after the end of the project period. On the other hand, they should serve as good examples and points of reference for other municipalities that can benefit from the new approach.


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How to Cite

Dehof, L., Pallagst, K., & Hammer, P. (2022). Urban green as a formative element in cities - urban development by the use of "green urban labs" using the example of Bochum-Riemke. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(3 Especial), 217–248. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.03.2022.09.ld



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