Analysis of contractual practices in the production and export of vegetables in Guanajuato, Mexico


  • Ma. Antonia Pérez-Olvera Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Alma Rosa Hernández Roja
  • Benito Ramírez Valverde
  • José Saturnino Mora Flores



regulation, export, crop commercialization, legal regulation, contractual practices


This paper was aimed to analyze dynamics of production and export of vegetables, the relationships and contractual practices between producers and agro-exporting companies, and the applicable legal foundations that favor contract farming for the production and export of vegetables, in the state of Guanajuato, as a product of globalization system. An analysis was carried out based on the production and export of vegetables and the preponderant role that the state of Guanajuato has as a supplier of vegetables to exporting companies. Additionally, the review of available official documents (international treated, conventions and agreements; federal and state laws and regulations) was carried out, in order to understand how the arrangements between producers and companies take place, the lack of information and possible legal gaps for the contract farming in export vegetables. The results show that the state of Guanajuato occupies the first places at the national level as an exporter and supplier of broccoli, lettuce, carrot, cauliflower, celery and garlic, mainly. Contractual practices present a dominance relationship on the part of agribusinesses and the need for legal regulation that guarantees fairer contractual practices for producers.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Olvera , M. A., Hernández Roja, A. R., Ramírez Valverde, B., & Mora Flores, J. S. (2022). Analysis of contractual practices in the production and export of vegetables in Guanajuato, Mexico. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(3 Especial), 331–351.



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