Universal accessibility in the streets of the territory: Urban District 4, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
city, social inclusion, right to the city, sustainability, quality of life, universal designAbstract
Within the Sustainable Development Goals, we can find in Goal 11 the relationship with universal accessibility, which pursues the goal that within the city, any individual can enjoy public spaces, particularly addressing the needs of: people with disability, older adults, women, children. This being a very important point to address in the transformation of cities towards sustainability.
The objective of this study is to "Identify the areas of opportunity that exist within the territory based on the relationship of the variables". Variables that have to do with universal accessibility in the road were analyzed, these variables were taken from the interactive platform Space and Data of INEGI and were evaluated in the field according to the criteria of universal accessibility.
The research is of a correlational type, descriptive design, with a quantitative approach, carrying out field work and statistical data analysis using SPSS software (version 25) and a sample made up of 1,414 apples. The results reveal that hypothesis 1 is rejected: The source with the best rates of universal accessibility are those detected in INEGI, as well as hypothesis 2: There is a significant relationship between all the variables of universal accessibility in district 4 of Puerto Vallarta, it is rejected, there is no significant relationship in the entirety.
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