Ecodesign methodologies for the proposal of a functional food product made with mesquite (Prosopis spp.), based on the principles of sustainable engineering


  • Fabiola Alcalá Diaz Infante
  • Sandra Aidee Olivares Bautista
  • José David Contreras Becerra Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez
  • Lilia García Azpeitia Instituto Tecnológico José Mario Molina Pasquel y Henríquez



alimento, pan, mezquite, ODS, Design Thinking


It is important to develop new products under a sustainable approach that allows the use of regional resources, considering the impacts that climate change has caused on endemic species such as those present in the thorny forest. A low glycemic index functional food was designed, made with mesquite fruit by applying the Design Thinking (DT) methodology as support for food design; The technical engineering of the product was carried out with eco-design and eco-innovation criteria, as well as a proposal for the development of the value chain. Four stages of the DT were carried out: first (empathy), the search was made regarding the national statistics referring to the population with metabolic diseases to take as a reference and determine the possible consumers of functional food in Lagos de Moreno (Jalisco), as well as the criteria established by the official Mexican regulations for the type of food products; second (Definition) the survey was designed, which was applied through social networks as a strategy to solve the shelter due to the pandemic, 157 surveys were applied; third (Ideation) the different ideas for the design of the food were proposed considering the basic composition of this type of food and the tastes of the consumer according to the survey; Fourth (Prototyping) the first food was made, under ecodesign and circular economy criteria that would allow a process with low environmental impact, but also with easy technological compliance; within the engineering of the product under ecodesign criteria, the concept of the food was developed, the Life Cycle Analysis of the product, the inputs and the evaluation of environmental impact and other aspects of engineering for the process were determined. Regarding the development of the value chain, this was carried out in accordance with the International Labor Organization (ILO), the mapping of the value chain was carried out, capturing the primary activities and the support activities that must be carried out.
This research provides knowledge in the development of functional foods with regional resources that allow the use of endemic species with additional benefits for consumers, but also the strengthening of the local economy, under sustainability criteria, in order to contribute as much as possible to achieve the sustainable development goal of zero hunger by 2030.


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How to Cite

Diaz Infante, F. A., Olivares Bautista, S. A., Contreras Becerra, J. D., & García Azpeitia, L. (2022). Ecodesign methodologies for the proposal of a functional food product made with mesquite (Prosopis spp.), based on the principles of sustainable engineering. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(4 Especial), 315–338.



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