When intercultural translation is from the context


  • Francisco Antonio Romero Leyva
  • Imelda Romero Acosta
  • Gabriela López Félix
  • Luz Bertila Valdez Román




intercultural translations, local contexts


Usually when you hear about translations, you get confused and perceive that it refers to translating from one language to another, for example from Spanish to English and so on.
But when it comes to translating from one culture to another, it does not refer to the language, it refers to the conception that each individual makes from the cultural perspective of it, without a doubt they are very different things. What is discussed here refers precisely to intercultural translations from the experiences that each culture has when living and coexisting with others.
At present, the discussions in the social sciences are those of explaining the realities based on the context and experience, aspects that have been absent and it is assumed and induces to explain each social and cultural issue from a culture, the same one that it has colonized the discipline and homogenized thought.
The essay describes some foundations that question the validity of translations from a single culture, and proposes to discuss from the plurality of thoughts where contexts are important.


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How to Cite

Romero Leyva , F. A., Romero Acosta, I., López Félix, G., & Valdez Román, L. B. (2022). When intercultural translation is from the context. Revista Ra Ximhai , 18(6 Especial), 227–238. https://doi.org/10.35197/rx.18.06.2022.10.fr



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