Analysis of structures and processes in SMEs to achieve post-pandemic resilience, Mexico – Spain case


  • Darío Fuentes Guevara Tecnológico Nacional de México
  • Linda García Rodríguez Tecnológico Nacional de México



analysis, structures, processes, SME, post-pandemic, resilience


The shock that the pandemic has caused against economic activity has been very eloquent throughout the world, so it is relevant to establish strategies that allow economies to overcome and even more so when talking about SMEs, since their contribution to the development of countries is of great relevance. The objective of this research is to identify the variables of the structures and processes of this type of company to achieve post-pandemic resilience in a Mexico-Spain case, which allows predicting future behavior in its different variables. The research was carried out through a methodology of a quantitative nature with the scope according to the level of knowledge obtained with said research: descriptive-correlational. The work made it possible to cover the gaps contained in the subsystems of SMEs from the scope of their strategic, key and support processes, which allow recognizing the beginning of the problem or the opportunity for improvement. Thus, it is essential to achieve the resilience of SMEs.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Guevara, D., & García Rodríguez, L. (2023). Analysis of structures and processes in SMEs to achieve post-pandemic resilience, Mexico – Spain case. Revista Ra Ximhai , 19(1), 135–156.



Artículos científicos