Essential elements of organizational culture for the formulation of competitive strategy; two case studies of hotel companies in Mazatlán, Sinaloa


  • Zenaida Zulema Delgado Peraza Instituto Tecnológico de Los Mochis
  • Juan Pedro Ibarra Michel Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
  • José Guadalupe Soto Karass Universidad Autónoma de Occidente



organizational culture, competitive strategy, hospitality


This work was carried out with the objective of knowing the essential elements of the organizational culture for the formulation of the competitive strategy, which predominate in the Royal Villas and Playa Mazatlán hotels, located in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. For this, the case study was chosen among the types of research, based on the preparation of semi-structured interviews and observation, as techniques for obtaining information. The result reflects a tendency of the companies studied towards an organizational culture in which elements of leadership, quality and continuous improvement prevail that have allowed them to meet their goals, however, for their constant development they require the establishment of strategic and operational plans. that define the pertinent integration of objectives, as a reference framework for the fulfillment of functions that lead to permanent cooperation, responsible and enthusiastic participation of its personnel, which therefore allows the satisfaction and preference of the clients for the service that these companies grant them, and consequently, reach the desired level of profitability, innovation, internationalization and other indicators of business consolidation of the tourist branch.


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How to Cite

Delgado Peraza, Z. Z., Ibarra Michel, J. P., & Soto Karass , J. G. (2023). Essential elements of organizational culture for the formulation of competitive strategy; two case studies of hotel companies in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Revista Ra Ximhai , 19(1), 157–182.



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