Internationalization strategy for the sustainable export of vegetables to the United States case study: Cluster Hortaliceros Unidos de Sinaloa A.C.
market, export, global, horticultureAbstract
Clusters are groups of companies from the same sector and located geographically close (Porter, 1998) that come together to survive in globalization and share risks to access new markets. In this document, the conventional export channels and the strategies implemented to achieve internationalization by the companies that make up the Cluster Hortaliceros Unidos de Sinaloa, A.C. were analyzed and identified. This analysis has the purpose of proposing the most appropriate internationalization strategy for the Cluster, in its incursion into the United States market, as well as identifying and analyzing the internationalization strategies currently implemented by the companies that comprise it and knowing the benefits that are they get by joining it. The applied methodology is a case study, with a qualitative approach, of descriptive scope and using the technological tool Atlas.ti 8, the main technique for data collection was the structured and unstructured directed interview, likewise to reinforce the investigation. A situational analysis was carried out through the elaboration of a SWOT matrix, it was possible to observe that the internationalization strategy implemented by the companies of the conglomerate is indirect export and the main barriers they face when exporting are quality standards, tariffs, sales on credit, the variation of international agricultural prices and the risks of non-payment.
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