Inclusive business model for SMEs based on CSR objectives and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development
social responsibility, SME, business modelAbstract
The demands of the world economy and the health contingency caused by the COVID-19 virus have led to the creation of more innovative business models to meet the needs of society and the demands of a more competitive market, where companies they have been forced to seek their continuity. The study analyzes the philosophy of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda. In Mexico, in this sense, it has established alliances with the public and private sectors, where companies they participate in certifications for the CSR badge, which is evaluated based on the SDGs, but due to various factors they cannot maintain the badge for a long time. For this reason, the design of an inclusive Business Model based on the objective regarding economic impact is proposed in this research, which focuses on industry, innovation and infrastructure, the reduction of inequalities, consumption and responsible production, decent work and economic growth decoupled from environmental degradation. That is why the objective of the research is focused on determining the factors to achieve the premises of the 2030 Agenda through CSR. This research was carried out in the State of Sinaloa, Mexico, considering 326 certified companies from the agricultural, commercial and service sector, analyzing internal factors and problems, primarily highlighting the disarticulation of the strategy with the principles and dimensions of CSR: ethics, quality of life, environment and community, under this premise the research was focused with a qualitative approach. The level of the research was exploratory, thus opening the way to deepen the subject in future research, in the data collection the survey, interview and in-situ observation were applied. The results express that companies have multiple problems that must be solved by improving the mechanisms and culture of CSR, and must be assumed by the staff and the owners, proposing a model as an alternative to evaluate the economic, social and environmental situation. Environment in the short and long term, provide recommendations and restructure strategies to improve their actions and allow them to be active agents in fulfilling the SDGs in the new context for the development of their regions.
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